“The Digital Social Contract” paper series explores the role of changing technology and non-government actors in driving social, legal, and political change. It features long-form research papers and podcast interviews focusing on the relationship between governments, technology companies, and citizens.
The Lawfare Podcast: Yaya Fanusie on 'Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Threat From Money Launderers and How to Stop Them'
Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Threat From Money Launderers and How to Stop Them
If or when a central bank digital currency is deployed in a major economy such as the United States, there will be unintended consequences. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Kyle Langvardt on Platform Speech and the First Amendment
Platform Speech Governance and the First Amendment: A User-Centered Approach
The First Amendment is a public endeavor—not a mandate for big tech to redefine free speech in America. -
The Digital Social Contract: A New Lawfare Paper Series
Exploring the future of law, technology and government.